Sunday, October 21, 2012

GLBTS Masonic Obedience Established in Brazil

North Americans are known for liking their Freemasonry antiquated and perhaps a bit stodgy. They still object to Obediences they define by that chimeric and impossible to define term "irregular." They have no idea what is coming over the horizon! Most object to women and people of color in their lodges. Oh, that which is born this month in Brazil is slumping like a Yeats' poem to a Masonic Lodge near you. It is a Brave New World. I am not offering any personal opinions here. I am merely reporting the next big change in the world of Freemasonry. I'm certain it will turn heads, and the crowd who find denial the most comfortable lifestyle will object, but it is the logical conclusion of the universal equality preached and so rarely practiced in our craft. I summarize below an article by Eduardo Carvalho, dated October 18, 2012, found on the Brazilian uhnews website. The link to the Portuguese original is listed at the bottom of this post along with the video associated with the article on the original site.

New world order: New Power Masonic aimed at Shemales, Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and Evangelicals  and Afro-Brazilian Religious, will be inaugurated in Campo Grande, signs of modernity and democracy.

After a tumultuous meeting last week, members of dissidents GLUMS (United Grand Lodge South American)  decided to abandon their obedience, merely for not agreeing with the undemocratic process employed by some of its members. In a heroic act insurgents abandoned the Lodge called Light Workers No. 18, where about thirty workers performed the Masonic work, and united with one purpose, are founding a new Obedience.
The new order will approve innovations  in membership eligibility to permit female lodges, mixed lodges and more innovative yet,  to create a lodge geared primarily to gays, lesbians, and supporters, and even one for Transvestites.
These lodges will work AASR rituals. According to one of the founders, the Honorable Brother João Rafael Florindo, was emphatic that this joint effort will follow the laws of Universal Freemasonry.
'' The proceedings of initiation is the same, the rules of good living, and all that exists in other powers of masonry for new members."
"A unique and vital difference is that through all being brothers, we must strictly follow our Constitution, and extend it to all others as entitled under the law. Why would a woman, a gay, a transvestite, a or a lesbian not be entitled to become a Freemason?
"We should be egalitarian in our way of acting and in our treatment of our fellow human beings, regardless of their choices of live style.  Another important point is that with this opening, gay evangelicals, evangelical lesbians as well as other religious followers such as Babalorixás are welcome."

Click here Full Article by Eduardo Carvalho in Portuguese

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