The Supreme Council of the Modern Rite (SCRM), the Philosophical Masonic Power and Masonic Institution is a regular, legitimate, sovereign and supreme leadership body of the Freemasonic Rite in the Modern World. It is based in Brazil, with exclusive authority over philosophical degrees of the liturgy and philosophy of the Modern Rite and guardian of its secrets with Masonic jurisdiction in Brazil and internationally. It is the leading lodge of the Universal Modern Rite.
On June 28, 2013 the Sovereign Inspector General, Broஃ Pasquale Mignella Filho, industrialist and attorney in São Paulo was sworn in as supreme director of the SCRM. The inaugural ceremony was held in the noble temple of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, in São Cristovão, Rio de Janeiro.

The S.C.R.M. was founded by Brotherஃ Manoel Joaquim de Menezes in 1842, in Rio de Janeiro, the delegation provided by the Grand Orient of France. It was accepted and recognized by the Grand Orient of Brazil as the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Modern Rite in Brazil. It maintains a treaty of mutual recognition and acceptance of the Grand Orient of Brazil, As well as other philosophical rite bodies currently practiced in Brazil including the Adonhiramite Rite, Scottish Rite and Brazilian Rite . It has no similar treaty with the side degrees of the York Rite, because they have very different structures. The current Constitution of the SCRM was enacted in May 1999. Currently it is the only Supreme Power of the Modern Rite in the World being able to demonstrate continuous existence since 1842. Consequently, it is the Chief power of the Universal Modern Rite. It is headquartered in Brazil and has international jurisdiction: having provided charters for all Modern Rite Obediences in the world. The philosophical Obedience of the Grand Orient of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy have discontinuities during the Second World War. The charters necessary to revive those Obediences were provided by the SCRM Brazil. SCRM recently enacted charters of Brazil to Ecuador to the U.S. and the Caribbean. A study concerning the recognition of a Modern Rite Obedience in Paraguay is underway.

The Modern Rite was introduced in France in 1725 and was recognized in Paris in 1761, proclaimed by the Grand Orient of France in 1773. There exists some controversy about this date. The symbolic degrees and high Rite degrees were recognized by the French Grand Orient of France in 1786, along with the later known as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, then 25 degrees. Only in the nineteenth century the French Rite was called Rito Moderno in homage to its origins of London. The four higher orders (grades 4-7) started in 1783, rationally reducing the large number of degrees from the Scottish. The 5th and 6th s orders (grades 8 and 9) were created in France in 1861.

SCRM has authority over the philosophical degrees of MR, ie, the higher 4-9 degrees. Grades 4-7 (1st to 4th order) are operacionados Chapters by RM, with several chapters in each state. Grades 8 and 9 (the 5th and 6th orders) are administrative degrees. The Great Council Kadosh Philosophical is operational, one in each state where there are higher degrees of the Modern Rite. The GCKF state has jurisdiction with regard to the liturgy and philosophy of Modern Rite. SCRM is composed of 33 members, grade 9, with voice and vote, and an undetermined number of emeritus members, grade 9, under 75 years of age, with a voice. SCRM is the only power in Brazil Philosophical whose Sovereign is elected every three years by the members, and the only Power whose members, also elected, may exercise its activities until the age of 75, who upon reaching this age are replace by younger members.

What are the benefits and privileges of being initiated into higher grades in the Modern Rite? How can one be admitted to the 4th grade? The Freemason that rises to higher levels has improved in his polishing of the rough ashlar, that is, he has been instructed in philosophy and wisdom, has sought to increase his virtuosity and obtained greater veneration and respect. Philosophy, at the higher levels, is taught through allegory and symbols, like the Freemasonic symbols. He also must have acquired the necessary basis for occupying administrative positions of the rite. To be admitted to the 4th degree a Freemason must belong to a Craft Lodge jurisdicion of the GOB in any rite, not only of the Modern Rite. He must have at least one year of the effective exercise as Master Mason must submit a master work by submitting it to his Craft Lodge and Chapter where he wishes to work, respond to a questionnaire and be submitted for approval by the members of the Chapter. Obviously, he should be in frequent attendance and be up to date with the metals of their Craft Lodge. Once approved, he will start in grade 4. The elevation to the higher grades depends, always, upon the completion of the degree work and questions, in addition to approval by the Brothers of the higher grades.
In the Grand Orient of Brazil (GOB), by reason of treaties of mutual recognition, there is an alignment with consequent acceptance of legitimacy of degrees. Thus the 4° degree of the Modern Rite (Secret Elú) is recognized as grade 4 in REAA, and Adonhiramite and Brazilian Rites. The 5° degree of the Modern Rite (Scottish Elú) is recognized as the 9 degree AASR, the R.Ad. and RB. The 6° degree of Modern Rite(Knight of the East) is recognized as the 15th degree Scottish Rite, the R. Ad. (In GOB) and Brazilian Rite. The 7° degree of Modern Rite (Rosicrucian Knight) is recognized as the 18th degree Scottish Rite, the R.Ad. (In GOB) and the Brazilian Rite. The 8° degree of Modern Rite (Knight of the white and black eagle - Kadosh) is recognized as the 30th degree Scottish Rite, the R.Ad. (In GOB) and Brazilian Rite. The 9° degree of Modern Rite (Knight of wisdom) is recognized as the 33rd degree Scottish Rite, the R.Ad. (In the GOB) and Brazilian Rite.
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