Friday, May 15, 2015

Hermaea: The Festival of Hermes

A Happy and Prosperous Hermaea, (the Festival of Hermes) to one and all! On May 15, the Ides, Mercury (the Roman name for Hermes) was honored as a patron of merchants and increaser of profit (through an etymological connection with merx, merces, "goods, merchandise"), another possible connection with Maia his mother as a goddess who promoted growth.

Hermes was the name the Greeks associated with the Egyptian Neter Djehuty or Thoth. The Masonic student must understand, if they wish to approach the Hermetic Tradition and the reason behind true Freemasonry, that it is necessary to overcome the preoccupations of the modern mind. The studious Freemason must accept that in its earliest foundation, our order was dedicated and devoted to the study and perfection of the Hermetic secrets which give it its reason for existing and define its objectives. The student of Hermeticism must learn the true nature of his own reality, it become the maker and transformer of those conditions which limit and imprison him on a daily basis.

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It is highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and the Hermetic tradition.

The Seven Hermetic Principles upon which Hermetic Philosophy is based:

1. Principle of Mentality or Mentalism.
2. Principle of Correspondence.
3. Principle of Vibration.
4. Principle of Polarity.
5. Principle of Rhythm.
6. Principle of Cause and Effect.
7. Principle of Gender and/or Generation.

An Orphic Hymn to Mercury
(Fumigation with Frankincense)

Hermes, draw near, and to my pray'r incline,
Angel of Jove, and Maia's son divine;
Prefect of contest, ruler of mankind,
With heart almighty, and a prudent mind.
Celestial messenger of various skill,
Whose pow'rful arts could watchful Argus kill.
With winged feet 'tis thine thro' air to course,
O friend of man, and prophet of discourse;
Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine
In arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine.
With pow'r endu'd all language to explain,
Of care the loos'ner, and the source of gain.
Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod,
Corucian, blessed, profitable God.
Of various speech, whose aid in works we find,
And in necessities to mortals kind.
Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere,
Be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear;
Assist my works, conclude my life with peace,
Give graceful speech, and memory's increase.

As above, so below.

1 comment:

John Slifko said...

It is interesting to me that a connection is made here to Maia or a mother to Hermes. I hope we hear more about this. I certainly will take a closer look at the ideas and phrasing.