Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Masonic Spectacle of Dom Pedro I & Jacques de Moley

"The Masonic Spectacle of Dom Pedro I" & "Jacques de Molay: The End of the Order of the Temple."

The Brazilian Actor and Freemason, John Vaz, has over the last several years been producing and performing in two stage productions with strong Masonic Themes. He has taken these shows to venues across all of Brazil, with performances in 41 cities. Not only due to his well documented and rewarded personal talent, but also due to the subject matter and professional quality of these plays, it is high time he should be noted by a Masonic audience beyond his native Brazil.

Espetáculo Maçônico D. Pedro I. What went on inside the Masonic Gran Orient Lusitano of Lisbon in 1834? This production, Espetáculo Maçônico D. Pedro I. is a detailed account of the whole trajectory of the life of Pedro IV of Portugal (Emperor Pedro I to Brazilians) from his arrival in Brazil and that of his family in 1808, through the regency of his father, returning to Portugal for his family, the regency of Pedro I, behind the scenes of "Day I" and "independence of Brazil," the abdication of the throne and Brazilian Portuguese, the deposition of his daughter Mary, as Queen of Portugal, and the war he fought against his brother Miguel for the Portuguese throne. Figures such as José Gonçalves Ledo and Boniface are highlighted in the piece.

The production is a detailed history lesson of unprecedented cultural and educational useful and should even be of interest to North Americans.The text for the performance was drafted by the survey of historical sources and the minutes from the Lodges of the Masonic ARTS AND COMMERCE RJ (GOERJ) and also utilized the reports of The Masonic Museum of the Gran Oriente LUSITANO in Portugal.Following on the heels of the success of the production on Pedro I, Vaz created a second play showcasing Masonic history.

Jacques De Molay: O Fim Da Ordem Do Templo (Jacques De Molay: The End of the Order of the Temple) is a dramatic presentation on the history of the Templars, told in the voice of the last Grand Master of the Order. It looks back to the origins of the Order, of the Temple building of Solomon, through the Crusades, the approach of another Order - the Masons, culminating in the standoff with the French King Philip who coveted the power and treasure of the Templar order.

The Brazilian Actor, widely acclaimed as the Thousand Faces of the Brazilian Theatre, John Vaz, is an expert at interpreting historical figures for the theatre and both the large and small screen. Vaz was Coordinator of the Theatre of the Republic Museum, Rio de Janeiro. (1999-2007). He has been the subject of books and articles published by O Globo. Vaz has played a gallery of characters including the French poet and actor Antonin Artaud, the Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser, the rubber tapper Chico Mendes, the bossa nova President Kubitschek for which Vaz was awarded the Medal JK in 2002, ousted President Joao Goulart, the revolutionary Che Guevara and now the emperor Dom Pedro I. On television, he acted in the miniseries "Amazon" where he performed the Bolivian Colonel Rosendo Rojas. He also performed the role of JANGO in "miniseries JK" in 2006, participated in the soap opera "Belo" in 2008, the novel "Pura Beleza".

2012 shows include but are not limited to the following venues:

February - Mariana, Barbacena and BH MG

March: Ponta Grossa, PR Curitiba and Spa Camburiú SC

June: Tangara da Serra MT

September: Alegrete RS

Contact information: Schedule: 021 2225-6175 and 8726-9359 / j.vaz @

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