Association for the Study of Esotericism
Fifth International Conference
Call for Papers: Esoteric Practices: Theories, Representations, and Methods
June 19-22, 2014
The Association for the Study of Esotericism (ASE) is seeking paper and panel proposals for its fifth International North American Conference on Esotericism to be held at Colgate University, in Hamilton, New York.
ASE is seeking proposals for papers exploring the many dimensions of Western esoteric practices, including theories, representations and methods of practice viewed from cultural, practical, religious and aesthetic fields of inquiry. ASE encourages papers that address the conference theme in terms of

The deadline for panel or paper proposal submission is January 15th 2014.
If you wish to submit a paper proposal or a thematically focused panel proposal (with three presenters and short descriptions included) for review and possible presentation at the conference, please send it by regular email to
No attachments, please: simply copy and paste your abstract into plain text email. Individual abstracts should be limited to one or two paragraphs, and must indicate academic affiliation and/or other academic qualifications. Independent scholars are welcome to submit proposals. Please note that the previous conference was at maximum capacity, so it is best to submit your proposal sooner rather than later. ASE hopes to post a preliminary list of accepted proposals early in 2014. Possible venues for the publication of conference papers include the book series Studies in Esotericism (this will be the fourth volume in the series).
For more information on the ASE, see their website at
An additional announcement will be forthcoming on the 2014 ASE conference, with information on location, hotels, and conference registration.
About the Association for the Study of Esotericism

In this groundbreaking collection, leading scholars in this emerging field explore how nature can be understood in a wide range of esoteric religious contexts. Included here are articles on subjects ranging from alchemy and panpsychism to music, Appalachian folk magic, and new religions. Esotericism, Religion, and Nature illuminates the way that nature is understood by major esoteric figures and traditions. Taken together, these articles shed new light on the connections between humanity, nature, and religion. Authors include Joscelyn Godwin, Wouter Hanegraaff, Lee Irwin, Richard Smoley, Arthur Versluis, M. E. Warlick, and many others. The second in a series of volumes on Western esotericism, this book emerged from international academic conferences held by the Association for the Study of Esotericism.
Their third volume in the series Studies in Esotericism is now in process. Esotericism, Religion, and Politics will be published in 2012.

Please visit the website of their sister organization, the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE), for information about other academic events in this field.
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