Monday, March 11, 2013

An Honor Bestowed

While it has not been a matter of speculation in the United States, among Latin American Freemasons, I have become aware of a number of debates over whether the late president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez was or was not a Freemason. The consensus has largely been that he was not. However, things change. I have come into possession of an announcement from Cuba that one lodge there has as a sign of respect, granted him posthumously an honorable membership in their lodge

The lodge members of Logia Anahuac, a mixed lodge have taken the extraordinary formal  decision to  appoint Mr. Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias late President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as an Honorary Member post-mortem of their Lodge, due to his attitude toward life, his concern for the problems of the dispossessed, for historical truth, and having what they view as an attitude in life enviable by any Mason, who is respected for having brought peace to his nation, education and health care for all regardless of class or gender, and for struggling for the integration of all people , as stated in our triple Masonic currency: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
La Logia Simbolica Mixta Anáhuac
La Habana, Cuba

Los miembros de La Logia Mixta Anáhuac en tenida solemne extraordinaria hemos acordado nombrar al Sr. Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías extinto presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela como Miembro de Honor pos-morten de nuestra Logia, atendiendo a su actitud ante la vida, ante los problemas de los más desposeídos, ante la verdad histórica, habiendo tenido en vida una actitud envidiable por cualquier Mason que se respete, por haber llevado la paz a su nación, la educación y la medicina para todos sin distinción de clases ni géneros, luchando por la integración de nuestros pueblos hasta sus últimas fuerzas, en fin siendo un portavoz de nuestra triple divisa masónica:
Libertad, Igualdad Fraternidad
La Habana 12 de Marzo del año 2012
Miembros de la Logia Mixta Anáhuac  

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