Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Grande Oriente Feminino do Brasil

Grande Oriente Feminino do Brasil
Lodges Exclusively for Women.

The GOF of Brazil's main work is in Brazil, because they are Brazilian, but they maintain Masonic ties of amity around the world including with lodges existing inPortugal, France, England, and Greece.

Their Flagship Lodge is located in the capital state of São Paulo, but they have lodges across the country, in cities where they originally founded Masonic Triangles that are meeting places of Masons.

Besides their established lodges they also have twelve Masonic triangles across the country which in the future will be exclusive lodges for women Freemasons.

Their secretary of chancery and inquiries for joining Freemasonry is located in the city of Campinas, SP.

The GOF of Brazil notes that Freemasonry is not a religion, cult, or anything like that, nor is it connected to such institutions or practices. They are a civic entity and they do nothing hidden if they keep secrets it is part of their organization free of corruption and selfishness. 

The secrets of Freemasonry are spoken as words at meetings; only those knowing the passwords may enter. Someone who might try to infiltrate or are without our principles of loyalty, honesty, and service to others will not be admitted to meetings.

Their Grand Mistress, the Serenissima Sr Collins Lu states,

"If I need to define what is a Freemason would say that someone is committed to honesty, so are we." — Lu Collins ஃ 


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Memorial for Tata Bunseki Fu-Kiau

We wish to share in the tribute to the late Kimbwandende kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau, B.A., M.Ed., M.S. and Ph.D., was an indigenous African teacher, scholar, lecturer, healer and spiritual guide. He authored many books including “Simbi-Simbi: Hold Up That Which Holds You Up” (2006), “African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo” (2001), and “Self-Healing Power and Therapy” (1991). He lectured on African concepts of reality and African spiritual practices throughout Africa, Europe, the United States, the Caribbean and South America. He was one of the great elders of the African family and a true gift to humanity.

He was initiated into Lemba starting in 1964 in Manianga region of Congo-Kinshasha and the Lari region of Congo-Brazzaville. Fu-Kiau was initiated by this grandfather and both paternal and maternal uncles. Lemba is the highest Kongo society for healing and diplomacy. Starting in 1966 he was initiated into Kinkimba (aka Kimba) in the Yombe and Mtadi regions of Congo-Kinshasha and Cabinda Province, Angola and Luanda Province of northern Angola. The principle ngangas who initiated him were Simon Muyinu and Ntungulu, his uncle. Kinkimba is a society or discipline that deals with the value, understanding and use of herbs, particularly those from the Yombe forest. Kinkimba uses a special initiatory language to protect and preserve their teachings. Also in 1966, Fu-Kiau was initiated into Kimpasi in the Madimba areas of Inkisi and Ngungu, Congo-Kinshasha. He was instructed in Kimpasi by local ngangas. Kimpasi teaches youth, both male and female, how to endure in impossible situations, how to become moral fighters for the community.
Please find below the information regarding Tata Fu-Kiau's Services.

A viewing for Mbuta Fu-Kiau will take place on Friday, December 13th, from 6 to 8 pm at:

The Casper Funeral Home
187 Dorchester Street
Boston, MA 02127

A "Celebration of Life" Service will be held on Saturday, December 14th at:

The Chapel
Cedar Grove Cemetery
920 Adams Street
Dorchester, MA 02124

The service will begin at 12:30 pm., followed by internment at Cedar Grove Cemetery.

A repass reception will take place immediately after the services at:

AAMARP (African American Master Artists-in-Residence Program) Studio
76 Atherton Street
Boston, MA 02130

To see other videos of Tata Bunseki Fu-Kiau click on this link: Bunseki Fu-Kiau on Youtube

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Inauguration of Research Lodge Marqués de Gages!

With great joy and boundless enthusiasm, on November 22, 2013 (EV), was born a new Lodge under the Auspices of the Grand Lodge of Mixed Equatorial Andes and the Sublime Council of the Modern Rite for Ecuador, the R. ·. L. ·.  "Marquis de Gages" No. 9, with the grant of patent by the M. ·. Il. ·. S. ·. Olga V. ·., To work in Grades. ·. 1 (Apr. ·. Mas. ·.) To the 7th (IV Ord. ·., SPR +), also as a Sovereign Chapter of the Modern Rite or French.
The importance of the Marquis de Gages within the Order in general and of the Modern Rite in particular, as well as his outstanding performance and the Universalist spirit he displayed throughout his life, giving proof of this Easts Belgium, France, Holland, etc.., led the Brothers and Sisters, . ·. Members of the R. ·. Research Lodge. ·. , to take his name as identification of the unique  imprint of the R. ·. L. ·. and Brothers. ·., and Sisters. ·. who are part of it.

The purpose of this project, which will be chaired by M. · . V. ·. Alejandro. ·. G. ·. and which will have the invaluable support of both the M. ·. Il. ·. H. ·. Joaquim Villalta and the M. ·. Il. ·. Sr.. ·. Olga. · V.. ·. among others brothers and sisters, is masonic Study and deepening the Modern Rite and its various spheres of social projection and reflection, through monthly meetings, and even the resurrection to the practice of those obscure  rituals almost forgotten in a drawer, and share with the brothers and sisters not only in this Obedience in particular, but the entire Order in general, anyone who wants, through periodicals, the labors conducted by our R. ·. L. ·. and the conclusions we reach, always with humility and open to any kind of contribution, leading us all to a greater and better knowledge and understanding of our Rite.

We welcome, therefore, this Great Event it is for the whole Order, with Triple Battery and acclaim

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat SEMPER!

Joaquim Villalta, V ª Order · Gr. 9
Member of  Supreme Conselho do Rito Moderno - Brazil
Member of  Council of the Modern Sublime Rite for Ecuador
Member of the  International Academy of the First Order V  - UMURM
Member of the R:. Lodge of Research "Marquis de Gages" - SCRME