Monday, August 10, 2015

Iona: Uaigh Chaluim Chille ga creachadh-Desecration of Columkille's Grave

A few days ago, the grave of Naomh Colmcille (St. Columbkille or St. Columb) was desecrated on the Island of Iona in Scotland.

The monastary of St. Columb on Iona was the center of his work to convert Scotland to Christianity, founded in 597 AD. The site is an important one for Celtic Christianity and figures in some legends concerning Freemasonry in Scotland. The island was considered sacred prior to the arrival of Christianity and is associated in legend with women druids. One of the early names for Iona was Idhe na mban (Iona of the women) and Idhe Dhruidhneach (Iona of the Druids).

Jane Martin, Historic Scotland Manager at Iona Abbey, indicates that many believe his remains hold special powers, “His remains were thought to have powers.”
Several suspects have been arrested and will face charges.
The damage which was not too excessive is already being repaired.

BBC Alba has reported:

Uaigh Chaluim Chille ga creachadh
“Tha poilis a' rannsachadh an deach oidhirp a dhèanamh gus uaigh Chaluim Chille air Eilean Ìdhe a chreachadh.Thuirt Alba Aosmhor gun deach milleadh a dhèanamh air doras-ùrlair os cionn làrach na h-uaighe tràth feasgar Dhiluain.Thuirt manaidsear Abaid Eilein Ìdhe, Sìne Mhàrtainn, gu bheil iad an amharas gur e cuideigin a bh' air turas là chun an eilein a bu choireach.Thuirt i, ged nach robh dad air fhàgail anns an uaigh a ghabhadh a ghoid, gum bu chòir do dhaoine le fios a leigeil chun nam Poileas ma bha iad air dad amharasach fhaicinn.”

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