The Cerneau Rite Yahoo Group: Masonic Education for the
Rest of Us!
For those of you who might not be familiar with the name
of Joseph Cerneau, he was the victim of the nastiest smear campaign probably
ever launched in the United States. To read what the illustrious but sometimes
problematic Albert Pike had to say about him, one might be forgiven for
thinking he was the demon seed. Unfortunately, Pike was as wrong and as biased
about Cerneau as was humanly possible. This is particularly unfortunate as he has
become practically the only viewpoint permitted in polite company on the
subject here in the U.S.A.
But don't take Pike's word on the subject, and don't take
mine, either. I may be right, but in the service of healthy discussion, and
because while to pit myself against Albert Pike as the source of masonic truth
may in this case be justifiable, it is far and away too immodest. I certainly
wouldn't compare myself to Albert Pike, even after several single malts and the
best Cuban Maduro.
In all honesty, while I think that to say that Pike was
factually challenged about Cerneau is an understatement, I am not writing this
blog entry to blast Pike, whom I find a fascinating figure in his own right.
Rather, my intent is to raise a little attention for two subjects of which I am
fond. They are interrelated. That
is to say, they are both part of my fascination with Joseph Cerneau, the
Freemason who is almost more despised in North America than Morgan.
Masons really ought to think twice about Cerneau and his
role in the Development of Freemasonry in the Americas, because he was every
bit as important as Pike, and perhaps even a little more so. At any rate, his
influence during his own lifetime extended geographically much further than did
Pike's. And, Pike's spleen not withstanding, he was a pretty good Mason. One
who died, by the way, penniless and disenchanted by the ugliness of Masonic
politics, back in his native France.
That brings me to the main focus of this entry, the work
of another good Mason. Pat King is
a thoughtful and studious mason. He founded a Yahoo group 9 years ago, back in
May of 2003 to discuss research and other information concerning Cerneauism and
the history and memorabilia of the Cerneau Rite. His approach was to let the
actual history speak for itself, rather than to further promote the vindictive
chatter of the Goliath who slew David, or in this case, Joseph. Bro. Pat
actually is much more even handed in discussing the subject than I am being in
this post, and he welcomes any and all opposing viewpoints. My approach here,
is of course, intended to bait my readers and maybe get them curious enough to
check out Bro. Pat's quiet and more objective little group. The serious
scholarship that this group hosts, thanks in large part to Pat King, deserves a
lot more attention.
Bro. Pat has taken the rational view that since all of
the principles in the original debate are moldering together in the clay,
perhaps it is time to take an honest look at some old masonic history.
He notes, in one of the earliest posts in the group, what
the original fight was all about.
"The crux of the battle between the NMJ and the
Cerneaus was a "control issue". The NMJ (and all other current SR
Supreme Councils)functions on an autocratic or hirerarchical system. The
Actives select the new Actives and no one has a say but Actives. Its a
"closed shop". The Cerneau Supreme Grand Council (1880's) was a
representative body composed of delegates from every chartered body. It met in
the 32' so all could attend. It was representational like our Grand Lodge. The
Supreme Council 33' was an appendant body which only controlled thatdegree and
had no say in governing the Rite in general.
Bringing it closer to home, ET Carson wanted to keep the
AASR in Ohio "under his thumb". There were Lodges of Perfection,
Councils P of J and Chapters Rose Croix around Ohio.....but only one Consistory
32' - in Cincinnati (his home). This accounts for the disparity in charter
dates around Ohio between the bodies 4-18 and those 19-32. In fact, there was
not another AASR NMJ Consistory chartered in Ohio until after the "Cerneau
wars" broke out. (Which was in Cleveland, btw).
To put it could not be a 32nd unless you
travelled to Cincinnati and got Carson's approval. That's the way he wanted it.
(Talk about "anal-retentive" !!)
The Active 33rds (NMJ) of that era styled themselves
"Sovereigns of Masonry" and God Forbid someone introduce democracy
into their little kingdom. It was, indeed, "a tempest in a teapot"
for the percentage of SR members to blue Lodge membership was quite small
(smaller than that ratio today).
The Cerneau Supreme Grand Council, on the other hand,
regularly chartered all four bodies in one location at a time. They also got
closer to the people in that places like Newark, Felicity, Bucyrus and Upper
Sandusky had bodies as well as Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Toledo.
It is interesting to note that at one time the Cerneau SR
outnumbered the NMJ SR in Ohio. Carson was desperate and resorted to desperate
(and dishonorable) methods. Had he not succeeded in his perfidy, we would all
be Cerneau SR Masons today.
Now there's an interesting thought.......
- Pat"

Pat King typifies what is best about any variety of
Freemasonry. He is thoughtful, fair, and unafraid to speak the truth, which he
does with gentleness and usually with more diplomacy than the subject deserves.
If this has whetted your appetite, go visit Pat King's quiet Kingdom in Yahoo
Groups. You have to be a Master Mason to join, but I don't think it matters
whether you are a member of the Southern Jurisdiction, the Northern Jurisdiction,
or a Cerneauite or only a local blue lodge. He's a good man and a better mason.
Go on, support him! The group is simply called "Cerneau - Cerneau Masonic
Is the yahoogroup still active
Harmon Weston
St. John's 29
It is still open for business. It goes through periods of relative or total inactivity, until someone discovers it. I would urge you to post and see if you can liven it up again. For me it is a fascinating topic.
Boa tarde, Nos Brasil estamos com a representação do Supremo Conselho Cerneau 33, gostaria de aproximação com outros adeptos . Saude - Estabilidade - Poder
Con el deseo de paz les saludo fraternalmente.
Buscando información sobre Cerneau me encontré este material que me ha parecido muy importante y esclareceder.
Cuando supe de Cerneau y que realmente no era solo un "eniado especial de USA"! para darlos grados del REAA a masones de sur américa, me he puedo a estudiarlo lo ms posible y tratar de entender los motivos de su ataque y en lo publicado aquí por el llamado Pat, se me ha terminado de aclarar el asunto y de paso coincidir en mis apreciaciones que estudiaba desde la perspectiva ritualística ya que he podido conocer algunos rituales del REAA de sur américa y notar que no coinciden en su esencia sino en su forma mas que todo en los aspectos "ritualisticos" pero en su esencia filosófica y filantrópica, no y ante mi pregunta de por qué eso, pude detectar algo en el origen de lso ritus usados en varios países y notar que el personaje Cerneau estaba relacionado.
También pude notar que el REAA de tendencia, si se puede decir así, de Pike, es algo antagónica y particular que se aleja de lo que en esencia es el REAA y sus objetivos que se deben vincular, inevitablemente al llamado discurso de Ramsay, entendido esto, podremos notar que la masoneria del REAA tiene unas cualidades muy particulares y cónsonas con lo que la masonería muestra como sus fundamentos.
AGradezco lo aquí publicado.
Iniciado en Venezuela 1996
Actualmente radicado en São Paulo
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