"Freemasonry and Integration in Contemporary Society"
Sept. 12 - 15, 2012 Hotel Meliá Cohíba – Havana - Cuba
The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Republic of Cuba and its subordinate bodies, with the collaboration of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, AL and A.M., is creating a space for dialogue on strategic topics to ensure the relevance of Masonry in contemporary society, calling on all Regular Masons of the Globe and scholars of cultural, social, scientific and environmental disciplines who engage issues related to the tenets of Masonry.
I. Current and future perspectives of Masonry in the context of culture.
a. Mission and vision in the cultural debate.
b. Role of Freemasonry as an expression of cultural identity.
c. Position in defense of diversity and cultural influence.
d. New challenges for the enrichment of the Traditions.II. Guidelines and priorities in the forefront against the challenges of scientific and technological development.
a. Computer and internet.
b. Biology and biotechnology.
c. othersIII. Freemasonry and Society.
a. Global socio-economic problems.
b. Financial crisis. Its impact.
c. Imbalance between developed and developing countries.
IV. Masonry against the deterioration of the environment.
a. Urgent measures to global population growth.
b. Global warming and its consequences.
c. Preservation of flora and fauna.Basis of the Symposium
1 - Topic: no more than 15 (fifteen) and not less than 6 (six) pages A4 type, 12 point Arial, single spaced and one-half (1 1/2), margins: 2 cm (left) and 1 , 5 cm(top, right and bottom). The paper should express the theme or sub theme, title and author (or authors). The structure must conform to the following academic format: introduction, development, conclusions and recommendations, as well as the literature consulted (in standard form: author last name and initial-name, title, publisher and year, chapters, headings and pages). Must be sent in digital format (Word), in the author's original language and in Spanish.
2 - Summary: No more than 250 words, written in Arial 12 point, 1.5 spacing (1 1/2 lines.) The abstract should include the objective of the work and keywords. Be sent in digital format (Word), the author's original language and Spanish.
3 - Presentation time: 15 (fifteen) minutes of presentation and 10 (ten) of debate. 4 - Format of work: plenary.5 - can be presented original papers have been published.Additionally include as an attachment the following:
A. Name of author (s).
B. Nation, Masonic Obedience and highest grade reached.
C. If not a mason: Personal data, synthesis of the academic curriculum and countryD.Logistical or technical requirements for exposure.E. Language to be used in the exhibition.Deadline for paper submissions is July 10, 2012 at 24:00 hours.
All submissions or requests for further information should be sent to the event's official address:

I.P.H. Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés
Soberano Gran Comendador
Supremo Consejo del Grado 33° para la República de Cuba
a. Mission and vision in the cultural debate.
b. Role of Freemasonry as an expression of cultural identity.
c. Position in defense of diversity and cultural influence.
d. New challenges for the enrichment of the Traditions.II. Guidelines and priorities in the forefront against the challenges of scientific and technological development.
a. Computer and internet.
b. Biology and biotechnology.
c. othersIII. Freemasonry and Society.
a. Global socio-economic problems.
b. Financial crisis. Its impact.
c. Imbalance between developed and developing countries.
IV. Masonry against the deterioration of the environment.
a. Urgent measures to global population growth.
b. Global warming and its consequences.
c. Preservation of flora and fauna.Basis of the Symposium
1 - Topic: no more than 15 (fifteen) and not less than 6 (six) pages A4 type, 12 point Arial, single spaced and one-half (1 1/2), margins: 2 cm (left) and 1 , 5 cm(top, right and bottom). The paper should express the theme or sub theme, title and author (or authors). The structure must conform to the following academic format: introduction, development, conclusions and recommendations, as well as the literature consulted (in standard form: author last name and initial-name, title, publisher and year, chapters, headings and pages). Must be sent in digital format (Word), in the author's original language and in Spanish.
2 - Summary: No more than 250 words, written in Arial 12 point, 1.5 spacing (1 1/2 lines.) The abstract should include the objective of the work and keywords. Be sent in digital format (Word), the author's original language and Spanish.
3 - Presentation time: 15 (fifteen) minutes of presentation and 10 (ten) of debate. 4 - Format of work: plenary.5 - can be presented original papers have been published.Additionally include as an attachment the following:
A. Name of author (s).
B. Nation, Masonic Obedience and highest grade reached.
C. If not a mason: Personal data, synthesis of the academic curriculum and countryD.Logistical or technical requirements for exposure.E. Language to be used in the exhibition.Deadline for paper submissions is July 10, 2012 at 24:00 hours.
All submissions or requests for further information should be sent to the event's official address:
The working languages of the event will be Spanish and English. Depending on the participation of large delegations other working languages may be incorporated.
Papers will not be returned to the authors and the Organizing Committee reserves the right to publication. The Scientific Committee is not responsible for the opinions of the authors and will not consider papers reflect partisan positions on political or religious matters.
Les saluda Fraternalmente Papers will not be returned to the authors and the Organizing Committee reserves the right to publication. The Scientific Committee is not responsible for the opinions of the authors and will not consider papers reflect partisan positions on political or religious matters.

I.P.H. Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés
Soberano Gran Comendador
Supremo Consejo del Grado 33° para la República de Cuba
Holy cow!
If I had any brains and/or guts, I'd submit an entry.
You should, Jay. Havana is a wonderful city, you'd love it.
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