The world of dreams is where we are most alive and come closest to realizing our true potential. If you are a complete materialist, I've already lost you. However, if you have ever been curious about what lies beyond the Gates of Horn and Ivory, then perhaps you remember some special dream which seemed more vibrant or more exciting than the waking world. Maybe you have even explored methods for remembering your dreams or gone even further, seeking techniques to explore various aspects of your dream existence. Stay with me here. Dreams are recognized not merely by visionaries and artists as being important but also by psychologists and even biologists. Without dreams we would not maintain good mental or physical health. So, even though science does not understand as much about dreams as artists, musicians, and mystics do, they know we cannot live healthy lives without plenty of them.
My Early Experiences of the Dreamscape

Techniques of the Dreamer
There are many techniques which can be utilized to benefit from dreaming. Learning to value dreams is the first step. You will not remember your dreams if you do not value them. If you do not already have strong dream recall, start talking to yourself about your dreams. You might want to do this silently to avoid losing friends and alienating family and coworkers. However, setting up a desire and expectation that you will remember your dreams will aid immensely in developing recall. Biological science already assures us that the average adult human dreams about 5 times per night. So, the issue is developing recall.
There are a few simple steps to doing this.1. State or write your intention to recall your dreams
2. Act to confirm that intention. By this I mean, set out materials to write your recalled dreams down; write them out as soon as you awake whether in the middle of the night or in the morning.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 every night.
You may not recall them at first, but if you persist, you will succeed.
Then, find books and other material on dreams. There's a wealth of material out there. Look and explore as many of them as you are drawn to. Avoid formulaic books; that means dream dictionaries. Every dreamer has his or her own language of dreams; you need to learn your own. How can you do this? If you wish to achieve true dreaming, you need to keep or recapture your pure, calm, imaginative spirit
The Dream Lodge
How does any of this relate to Freemasonry? Well, Freemasonry, whether the UGLE likes it or not, has long been associated with Hermetic science. Hermeticism is concerned with gaining a profound vision of the creative force behind existence. What Hermeticism teaches is that the consciousness in you which sees and hears is the eye of god; your mind is god. If you can understand that, then the light will be yours.
Don't freak out. We're going to step back a bit from that precipice. What can you do that is practical and doesn't deconstruct your early 21st Century materialist brain beyond repair? OK, here's something a lot more conservative. You may have been exploring Masonic symbolism. You may even have ignored your Grand Lodge's admonitions and have read such heretical tomes as those written by McNulty, in the process breaking the most important landmark of them all, "Thou shalt not read anything intelligent about Freemasonry." So, we're going to discuss how to create a dream in which you explore the symbols of Freemasonry.
Incubating the Masonic Dream

Sit on the side of your bed and quiet you body and mind. Next, hold your images in mind for a few moments, then lie down. As you prepare for sleep, gently ask yourself to have and clearly remember a dream that explores both the images and meanings of these symbols. As you drift off to sleep, hold your intention, confident that the dream you remember will bring your symbols to life in unexpected and wonderful ways. If other thoughts distract you, return to your incubation focus.

1 comment:
I know that this is an old article,but I really hope you will see my comment and answer me.This is the first time I heard about freemasonry,I'm not even Christian or religious at all ,but last night I had an extremely vivid dream ,I love dreaming ,and I always try to meditate and have lucid dreams,I usually use latin prayers to meditate jsut because the sound of the chanting relaxes me,a few weeks ago a discovered the prayer of the archangel michael and for some reason I loved itand I have been sleeping with it every night,anyways a lot of things happened in the dream and I won't annoy you with the details ( there was a lot of cats for some reason and I saw 3 of them die) the important detail is that just before waking up I saw myself talking to an old lady who was very young at the same time and very beautiful but not physically and on her forearm was a tatoo of an egyptian eye inside a triangle, I came by your blog while searching for the meaning of that symbol,I can't help but feel it's very important.I would be very grateful if you could help me understand .
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