The 2014 Esoteric Book Conference
The 2014 Esoteric Book Conference will be in Seattle on September 6th and 7th, 2014.
Proposals for the 6th annual EBC are now being accepted.
Speakers are encouraged to submit talks touching on historical or contemporary esoteric subjects. As the specific focus of the EBC is on Esoteric Books, presentations that relate to esoteric book[s] in particular or coincide with a new or recent release are given preference in determining the line up of guest speakers. We are after presentations as opposed to practical workshop submissions. Talks should be 45 minutes in length including time for questions. A short abstract describing the talk and its title should accompany your contact information.

The conference features an Art Show each year and artists are encouraged to submit art related to the esoteric field. In addition to the showcased artists, whose work is shown in a gallery format, the conference also features a selection of fine art prints by other esoteric artists.
If you are a interested in speaking at the Esoteric Book Conference or presenting art, please fill out our application form.
**The deadline for art and speaker proposals is end of day April 8th, 2014.

The EBC also accepts proposals for book signings and new book launches. If you are a publisher, bookseller, or author interested in either please visit this page and fill out the submission form.
***The deadline for book signings and book launch proposals is August 1st, 2014.

If you are a book seller and wish to vend at this years event please fill out the application form. Space is limited this year and vendors will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
If you are interested in advertising with the EBC or having us sell books on your behalf please fill out the form on our Vendor, Advertisement and EBC Representation page.

For more information on applications for vendors or speakers, or for general reservations, as well as to view a host of photos from previous conferences, follow the link to the conference site below:
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